healing power of play training


Are you noticing the increasing needs of children in your setting and struggling to understand what's happening for them? Are your staff feeling overwhelmed and drained?  You are not alone; we are here to help with our new Healing Power of Play training.

The benefits of play have become well known and expressed throughout recent years in child-led environments, but how much is known about its healing power? Enter the world of play through the eyes of a child and understand why chid-led play cannot have OUTCOMES.

This training session will open a safe place for professionals to reflect and explore current practices unique to their setting. Using therapeutic techniques each professional will explore problems creatively and come together with peers to look at what is already working well and what could be done better - building a bridge between.

Aims of the course

  • Practitioners will gain a good understanding of why the needs of children are increasing in society today

  • Go beyond trauma informed, to realistically understand how trauma presents with the children on a daily basis

  • Understanding of the impact of trauma and ACEs

  • Understanding of the impact of retained reflexes

  • Have a good understanding of the benefits of play for children and families

  • Knowledge and experiences of the power of child led play

  • Have a tool kit of several play-based techniques to implement practically in their professional setting

  • Understand how to use play to create healthy boundaries

  • Notice connection seeking behaviour and implement playful techniques

  • Knowledge of play therapy and when to refer a child.

Created and developed by professional play therapist Eileen Russell. Eileen has 18 years of experience working with children and parents in some of the most deprived areas throughout Northern Ireland. Over the years she has created many family leaning and training programmes. After training as a play therapist in 2017 Eileen is passionate about early intervention and empowering professionals to become curious about the WHY in every child’s story.

One professional participant stated:

"I really enjoyed getting into the mindset of children whose behaviour can be challenging and thinking about how they feel in moments when they are struggling, very thought provoking."

This training was awarded silver in innovation from Invest NI.

Sliver award

Sliver award •

For more information or to book a session

Training can be delivered in your setting to a group of staff over a full day or two half days.